2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Toxicity of my city... of my city

Ok not a song I truly like but fitting for this post. I've been analysing the many issues that I have and in talking with my besty Jack it could be as simple as my pH balance being off. I'm not talking about my deodorant.. I'm talking about my Alkaline/Acid balance in my body. Think back to High school chemistry. If the water in your fish tank or the soil in the ground is too Acidic nothing good can survive.

If I'm more Acidic then that means that my body is a breading ground for diseases. Ew gross and NOT AGAIN! I have had some really weird things happen to me my whole life. Weird illnesses that basically started in my early 20's till now. Actually it's about the time I moved out of my dads house and really started scarfing down those fast food meals and comfort foods. I've had open sores on my legs that at the time the docs had no clue what they were but that antibiotics almost killed me.. today I believe its closest to Merca. Well I had them from about mid thigh to my toes on both legs. It's a miracle I'm still here. Next I had sudden sensitivity in my gums and bleeding. Not like spotting... like covering my entire pillow bleeding. Also when I start to get in a work out grove ALWAYS end up with a cold with in a week. It makes it so I don't want to work out!

So the more and more I think about it the more I'm realizing there is a lot more about my body that I need to know. Just counting calories isn't going to cut it. I am going to get some pH Testing strips from Walgreens or somewhere and test to see if Jack is correct. If he is then I'm changing my diet to be more Alkaline foods (Leafy Greens, Broccoli, Bananas, etc.) and then test again in a few weeks.

This could also be why my hormone levels are low in certain areas.. To know that all along a simple little strip of paper could have told me what I needed to know and help me adjust accordingly. Frustrating... but relieving all at the same time. This week I'm declaring is my last appt for my hormones as I believe I no longer want to give all my money to chemical medicine and try this. It's with in MY Control!


Moi said...

Wow that is crazy stuff. Our environment and what we put in our bodies can really mess us up. I hope you figure out what is wrong and something to help you feel better.

youcandoit said...

I wonder when you work out if it is just toxins that are being released from your body that makes you get "cold like" symptoms. I had a spinal misalignment and had to go to the chiropractor for adjustments and every, and I mean every time the next day I would get these cold like symptoms. Doctor told me it was toxins that were being released. Don't know if that really is why, but I did get the symptoms. So, maybe that is what is happening to you. Try to fight it and if you decide to continue your workouts just make sure you are drinking lots of fluids.

I hope you were able to test the strips and you got the results you were looking for.

Good luck!

Nicholette said...

I'm sure you'll be able to find out what's going on. That would be great if you can take the control you want to get where you need to be. I hope it all works out!