2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Monday, July 5, 2010

Actions speak louder then words

So today I went and saw Eclipse for the second time. I love that movie. Sure there are things I wished they would have put in but think they did a great job.

I could have just come home this afternoon and sat on the couch but I didn't. thanks to my sister in law Beaux I went out walkin in the heat with her. Only walked for about 35-40 mins before the heat got to me but I did it. I didn't give up I did it!

Each day I'm going to try to overcome some hurtle in my way. I think that is a great mini goal. If I'm daily trying to do something physical sooner or later it'll get easier and easier.


Karilynn said...

SAM!!! Pushing yourself is what helps you succeed. It's like breaking down mental barriers.. barriers that have been standing in your way all this time but don't even REALLY exhist! I'm thrilled you are pushing yourself to do more! Your potential is limitless! :)

Samantha Thomas said...

Thank you Kari! I appreciate the words. I really am trying to push... when I say I can't I pull out just a little more.