2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Small changes

So I'm sitting here reading everyones blogs on break... and I see that others are making great changes.

Me... I've had struggles this month do to illness and allergies as well as many doctors appts. I've been trying to get back onto my work out regimen. I do at least 30 mins of something each day. So I feel good that I'm getting there but I know for the life of me again I'm not getting enough calories thru out the day.

I loooooove sleep! I keep telling myself to get up and make breakfast you'll be better off... what do I do? Hit the alarm over and over until I have to get up for work! Why can't I mentally get over this sleep thing and just get up?!?!? I'm hoping that the specialist next week can figure out what is going haywire with the chemicals in my body so I can feel normal again!


Moi said...

You totally need to eat breakfast. Make some breakfasts to go. I always try to have some healthy grab and go items ready so I am not tempted by the bad items.

Also, try going to bed earlier if you can. Some people need more sleep and you may have to adjust your schedual. I know from experiance that once you start getting up early, it does get easier. 21 days to make it a habit!!!

Michelle said...

I am not making great changes. I can have a week of good then I fall and start eating the junk. I also haven't been able to give up soda. Darn Sonic happy hour.