2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Monday, September 27, 2010

Life in perspective

Hello all,

An update on Duane. He now has full movement in his face again! YAY! So happy that the meds worked for him and that he didn't have any permanent damage.

I can't help but to put some things in my life into perspective. There are some things that will need to drastically change for me to become the thinner woman I want to be. BUT I keep focusing on the end result I want rather then the little results I need to achieve to get there. I caught myself saying to my hubby that I need to take "Drastic Measures" over the weekend to start losing weight. I'm at my whits end. but the more I thought about it the more I'm realizing.... I'm in my way. Duane isn't in my way, family isn't in my way, not even friends. The "Drastic Measure" that needs to change is me. I need to stop focusing on my failures and move thru them. I need to start doing what I say and get in exercise each day.

I am to blame for this weight not anyone else!!!

So how do I move past this? How do I reprogram years and years worth of negativity?

I think it's getting off my ass and taking one step in front of the other and see where that takes me.


Dani said...

good to hear your husband is doing great!! :)

Michelle said...

glad to hear hubby is doing better. I've got my fingers crossed it's all up from here.

THe programing your thinking to look at the possitive just takes time.