2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cherish each moment

So this week I have been hit by some pretty heavy reality checks. Last week my husband started complaining about the muscles on the left side of his face. Over the weekend it took a turn for the droopy. Yesterday I was so worried that even though his work messed up his insurance so he doesn't have any I took him to the ER. I literally thought he was having a stroke.

As fate would have it, it wasn't a stroke thank god. But he has Bells Palsy. It's a virus that hits the nerve that affects one side of your face. Makes it so the muscles are weakened. Hopefully we caught it early enough that the medication will help reverse what's happened. In the mean time we are going nuts with the thought of the cost to the ER and a CT scan... but his life is worth more to me then 10's of millions of dollars!

On a lighter note when the CT scan came back totally clear and normal (means no stroke) Duane said "Huh, that's weird... I never thought my brain would show normal". I about died laughing. Leave it to him to make me laugh in an intense situation. All night he was cracking jokes about going as "Two Face" for Halloween or eating ribs and slurring words like a WWE wresting announcer. At least he's has hopes that this will turn around.

But what I realized is that I wish my days away. I wish my moments away just to get to the next moment. I don't just stop and enjoy what I have. I don't take the time to make memories survive. (As I tear up) You never know when someone you love will be taken from you. It's scary that really it can happen in the blink of an eye. So my personal challenge for everyone is to go home tonight and make a memory!


Karen said...

Scary! A friend of mine got Bell's Palsy a couple years ago. I had never even heard of Bell's Palsy before. Good news is, he recovered quickly and is completely back to normal. Doesn't make it any less frightening though!

littlemisspretty said...

That thought has been on my mind lately, of just enjoying the moment and savoring everything. I am SO glad that your husband is alright, and it wasn't a stroke.