2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Monday, August 23, 2010

Loving yourself

Something that I've really been unable to achieve is self love.

I tend to make crack shots at myself or compare my girth to another person and I always come out losing. Examples: My husband will say something that has NOTHING to do with my weight and I jokingly say "Yeah it's because I'm fat", or I'll see a lady walk down the street and go "Damn she's big,... but I'm bigger". Not that I should ever EVER say that someone with weight problems is worse off then I am. It's not fair because I get butt hurt when someone makes reference towards me in passing.

Well it's gotten to the point that my husband doesn't even say anything or talk to me when I make shots like that. He told me "It hurts ME when you say stuff like that about yourself". I never realized before that I was hurting others AND hurting myself.

So my challenge this week is to look in the mirror each morning and say something positive about myself, Pick out something positive in others, and STOP CALLING MYSELF FAT for a laugh.


Jack said...

I've got one for you -
You're one of my favorite people. You are this very talented, amazing person with a huge heart who cares about people. You light up a room with your smile and personality. And your giggle is contagious. You have been an awesome friend to me ever since I moved to Utah. I love you, Sammie. And you should, too! ; )

Moi said...

You are awesome. Learning to love yourself is a hard process (at any weight). Good for you for taking steps forward. Its hard to change habits, expecailly bad ones.