2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Monday, August 16, 2010

Looking thinner but no scale movement...

So I have to post this. Yesterday my mother in law told me I was looking good. My husband also earlier this weekend said he's noticing a difference. So I got on the scale... no difference.

I've been focusing on my food intake and not so much on my exercise per doctors instructions with my new medication (Makes me uber tired and fatigued)... So this week I'm going to focus on walking more. I want to see that scale dip!


littlemisspretty said...

i was feeling the same way, then I was able to put on some old smaller jeans. Keep it up, numbers aren't everything.

Brandy said...

We all know the scale doesn't tell the whole truth! Your body shifts and shrinks sometimes but the # doesnt. It's a hard thing to mentally get over. But if others are seeing the difference that is frigging AWESOME! Keep it up and that scale will drop!

Jack said...

Keep it up, Sammie! I know that you will get where you are going. I can't wait to see you guys when I come home! : )