2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sam's got her Grooooove back!

Wow... how amazing do I feel you ask? I feel great! I managed to do 5 work outs last week. I also did my work out last night and am looking forward to my Aqua Aerobics class tonight. I have been getting there a little early so I can swim some laps before we start class. (My class starts an hour after I get off work and is 20 mins away... enough time for 3-5 laps)

I plan to keep going all this week.

I've stopped telling myself I can't do something, because I know I CAN. I moved up to the intermediate weights at water aerobics.. I've stopped my mouth talking and focused on keeping my abs tight and doing the work outs properly and I'm already feeling my clothes fit better.

Here's a new goal:
Back myself into the wardrobe I have hanging in my spare closet by May-June!


Karilynn said...

I LOVE the new motto!! YOU CAN!!! Go for it girl! ;o)

Jessica B said...

You totally can and water aerobics are so awesome. I love that I can get a great workout without the painful sore burn out that I get from land workouts. Good luck and great jobs on last month!