2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Monday, June 11, 2012

On believing in myself

Everyone says I should. I know I should and do on so many occations but when it comes to my weight not so much.

I didn't get fat because I eat too much. I didn't get fat because I sit on the couch and never do anything.

I got fat because my chemicals are imbalanced... I got fat because in High School I was bulimic and never really learned how to eat better so I would binge and purge thus causing permenant scars inside and out... I got fat because I stopped caring about myself and only thought of others for over a decade... I got fat by not eating meals and then getting so starving that when I did eat my body turned it into fat.

I know what my problem is, now I need to believe that I can change it completely. Just writing this stuff especially admitting virally that I was bulimic feels like a large wgt off my sholders. Now what do I do?

I've started Journaling my food intake again using buddyslim.com
I will continue to Jazzercise 3-4 times a week
I will look in the mirror and tell myself I am worth the effort
I will STOP asking why the scale won't move
I will figure out my body's healthy puzzle
I will Love myself!

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