2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Taking action...

So, I went to a free Jazzercise class last night. At first I thought I wasn't going to make it through but I forced myself to stick it out. You know what? I ended up looooving it and I was able to do most of the moves. The Instructor Angie was amazing! She was motivating us to sing along and yell on command.. kept me very engaged. After class I decided to go ahead and sign up for a year. I've been needing a class which pushes me to work harder and not just slightly go through the motions at home. I love the GIRL POWER feel to the place and the people were so nice. I also love that my friend Christy introduced me to this and now I have a great work out partner!

In little over a day I have my first 5K ever!!!! The trail seems pretty flat and easy. I'm excited to be doing this not only to prove to myself that I can do this but helping out a great cause. Yes, Ladies and gentleman... I maybe turning into one of "those" people, but hey, my soul feels great right now.

I'm sure i'll be posting pics of before, during, and after the event on a blog later this weekend. So Excited!!!!

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