2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How crazy am I?

Not only am I doing a 5K in March but now I've started a team for the Susan G Komen Cancer walk/run on May 12th. My goal was to complete a 5K this year and now I've committed to 2. I actually feel my soul is more at peace with this. It's not a feeling I've had in a long time.

My Mother passed away on Mother's day 1994. I was only 14 years old when she passed. It's hard every year around that time, but am so blessed at the support I have from my family members including my Step Mother Norine, who pretty much took a broken home and made it whole again. So breast cancer awareness is something I'm an advocate of. It's truly my honor to walk in the memory of my mother and inspire others to either join with me or donate for the cure.

Click below to join my team or donate to the cause

I feel a sense of pride that I'm getting up and moving and commiting to these things.

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