2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Monday, May 19, 2014

A letter to myself

Dear Self,

I promise to stop putting you down.

I promise to feed you the right amounts and the right foods.

I promise to dress you well.

I promise to give you time to relax.

I promise to celebrate your accomplishments.

I promise to drink more water so that I can keep my organs working.

I promise to stop binging and purging every few months, especially out of guilt, relapsing into my teenage ways.

I promise to take you out dancing.

I promise to move you more.

and lastly,

I promise to love you unconditionally. The way that I'm able to love others. It's been far too long that I've treated you worse then I would a foe. You are not my foe. No one should be able to love you more then me, and the tables need to turn this way. I also add to this promise that I will stop stating words and start showing actions.



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