2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Goals for 2013

#1 Focus on a budget and stick to it
Work on paying off 1 to 2 debt accounts this year. I have already worked on a budget plan for all of 2013 and showed my husband. I think it's something we can strictly stick to as much as possible. Once we get thru a month or two of 2013 we will start picking 1-2 debts to pay more towards in efforts to eliminate those bills in 2013.

#2 Push and make it to Onderland by the end of 2013
That's 8.3 lbs a month, 1.9 lbs a week. I know that is a very agressive goal. I do not plan on doing this unhealthy at all. I plan on putting in the work and eating what I need to in order to get there. The only thing that would derail this goal is if I finally got pregnant, then I won't feel so bad if I miss this hahaha. If I put in the effort and say I did everything I could then what ever # loss happens... is what happens, and I'll be thrilled.

#3 Reignite my passion for scenic photography and oil painting
Spend way to much time watching reruns or TV. Figure this will get me out and about more and really spark my creative side. I can focus on the pictures in order to spark my wanting to oil paint.

#4 Work on the yard
Figure this helps physically and visually. Some know that we have a infestation of Mole/Gophers that we've been trying to get rid of for a year. I think in the spring we will have an exterminator out. Then we will till up the entire back yard and some of the front. I have put some initial thoughts together of what we may do and I think our focus this year is to clean up a much as we can and plant some trees. Next year we want to rip out the deck to rebuild and put a concrete patio... then we'll put sod in the back yard... still working out what we want to do so this one is on here just to say that it'll be a focus.

#5 Get my home in order
Not that I live in squaller... but I have plenty of rooms that are starting to get "Horders" scary. I've decided that anything we can agree to let go of we are going to sale or donate. I have a 4 bedroom home and only allow folks to see the kitchen, living room, and bathroom. I want to be able to leave doors open when guests come over. I want to walk into a room and LOVE IT! First things first, "a place for everything and everything in it's place"

I am sure I will have small goals or "mini" goals throughout the year. But I want to really focus on these 5. I'm not calling them my "resolutions" because I want to actually follow through and not give up on any of these.

1 comment:

jen said...

These goals are fantastic! You can totally conquer them all but personally I hope you fail at the full weight loss and end your year in either flabby postpartum bliss or with a belly so big you can't see your feet. You'll rock 2013, love ya cuz :)