2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Monday, April 11, 2011

FINALLY broke the Plateu!!!

So I've been complaining last week that I give up white bread, desserts, soda, and candy just to see the scale stay exactly the same. People kept telling me that maybe I put my body into shock and that I need to let my body adjust.

Well after 5 weeks I'm happy to report that the scale finally moved... and in my favor. I lost 3 lbs since last Monday... YIPPEEEEE!!!! Was stuck at 337 and today... 334!!! At this rate if I keep a 2-4 lb loss each week I will be under my goal of being under 300lbs by end of June.

Honestly, I have been having a hard time watching others eat desserts. Last night all I could do was smell Chocolate cake at my uncle in laws Bday party, but I have such a understanding Mother in law who didn't call out my name when it was time for my share of cake.:).. I'm so happy to have people in my life that support what I am doing.

I think I might actually keep this up after lent. or at least a strict only once a week version. I mean a girl needs to enjoy every once in a while right? But I think once a week for either dessert or a candy is good enough and not often enough to make me lapse. I might actually get that enjoyment feeling back.

Good luck fellow sistas! Have a good week!

1 comment:

jen said...

WOOHOO!! Good job darlin' keep it up :)