2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Friday, November 26, 2010

Things I'm Thankful for and why I'm proud today!

So this year, I will admit I was a very negative ninny. Instead of facing what had happened I buried it and made excuses.

So yesterday I reflected on what I am thankful for:
1. My Husband, For always believing I CAN and making me laugh
2. My Family, for always sticking by my side
3. The fact that I still have a Job and that Duane still has a job. With out our jobs we would lose our home and everything we hold dear.
4. My health, even though I lost the baby earlier this year I have for the most part been pretty healthy this year.
5. Friends, With out their encouragement and laughter I wouldn't have made it thru.

So what I'm proud of. I'm proud that I kept to what I say every year. "It's Thanksgiving so keep to portion size and just enjoy the food." Every year I fail because I just say what the heck I give in... but not this year. I am determined to change my life. I had a little bit of everything and only having to go to one house helped a lot. I felt satisfied that I got all my favorite foods. I also didn't feel like shiz at the end of the night. I can do this. I can make it thru the holidays with out overdoing it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you! You truly are blessed with a lot and I love your positive outlook on life! :o)

I have started a new blog so I'll be on here more and checking yours regularly. 2011 is YOUR year!!!