2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Friday, November 12, 2010

My 100th post!!

Guess being consistent with posting has paid off. I'm now on my 100th post!

Weight wise really not much has changed. But I can say that I have remained the same so can't be totally negative.

My husband and I have pretty hefty goals for next year and we are starting with baby steps now. No this isn't a "Resolution" as it will be a life change. Hopefully we will never be looking back.

Starting next week we are doing something simple. We are getting up about an hour and a half before we have to leave for work and just actually GET OUR BUTTS out of bed. We are going to make sure we get a nutritious breakfast each day. This is something I neglect often and that is going to stop. Starting Dec 1st we are going to add in some exercise each morning. We will also add in a few things at night thru out the week.

We are both not happy with our bodies and it's time that we both support each other and do it. He even said I can be as hard on him as I can to get him to push harder. And if anyone knows me... no, I mean really knows me I can be pretty ruthless.

His main goal next year is to fit into a super hero costume (yes I'm talking spandex people) and I know he can do it!

My goal is to finally get out of the 300's and close to getting out of the 200's. My focus is no longer on trying to have a family... don't choke! doesn't mean I'm going to do anything to prevent it. It just means I'm done counting and calculating. I want to start living again. Put my efforts on something I can control.

So wish us well. I would say Luck but it's our own efforts that will help and luck has nothing to do with it.

Thanks to my loyal fans that read my blog. I will still try to at least blog every other week as we go along.

1 comment:

Moi said...

I am so fricken proud of you!!! That is awesome to hear. It is wonderful to have a program with baby steps in it. Sometimes we throw outselves in and end up ass over teakettle cause it is too much at once.

Keep it up!!!