2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Enough is enough

So I woke up this morning and saw that I had gained 3 lbs this week. I've made every meal at home so I don't understand where this is coming from.

As I stated in my previous blog starting tomorrow 10/11 I am eating clean until 10/29.


I'm also going to get at least 30 mins of something in a day. If I have to break it up to walking at work on breaks sometimes or coming home and rockin out too JUST DANCE on the Wii... Doesn't matter as long as I'm moving. I've been also looking more into the Body Bugg or the equivalents. I think the only thing I don't like is that with each version I've seen you have to pay for a monthly membership to websites. Does anyone know of one that just has it's own computer software that maybe I can get package uploads later on?

Well I'm sticking to this like double sided tape!!! I will get under 300 by the new year. That's been my goal all year and I won't let myself down again.


Mindy said...

you can do this SAMMIE!!! I know you can! you're totally worth it. I'll do it with you ok? That'll be great for me as well. Let's finish this thing strong!!!

Beth said...

You can do it!!! I'll walk at breaks with you. :-)

Anonymous said...

Are you drinking A LOT of water? Water is KEY in weight loss.
Love ya girl!