2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Week 7... small hurtle

So... my weekends are notorious for throwing me off track. I feel that I get my head into a project and spend hours focused and don't eat. Whether I over eat or don't eat it has the same affects on me. So I was sooooo worried this week. Although my basement is starting to actually look like a livable space... my weight suffered.

I am reporting in at 330.8 which is a little less then a lb difference from last week.

Also I am reporting that I am going to investigate the gym scale... every week I show almost 6 lbs heavier on the gym scale then I do on my scale at home. The gym scale is heavier. I'm wondering if they are meaning it to be so that it'll get us all to work out more often. Regardless, Duane had a good plan to get a bag of something and weigh it. 5 lbs of sugar, flour, etc. Then if it doesn't register 5 lbs then we know the gym scale is off. I suggested we get a bag of salt for the water softener, since we need it, because those are normally 20-40 lbs depending on the size of the bag. Hopefully in the next few weeks I'll have something to report. If it is correct then I am not weighing myself at the gym any longer! Just to know I could be 6 lbs lighter and that I'm closer to my goal is more encouraging.

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Karen said...

I don't trust any other scales besides the one I have at home. Mainly because other scales usually show a heavier weight and I'm usually fully dressed when I weigh myself on them. I don't even like to weigh myself at different times of the day! I try to stick with my own scale in the mornings before I take a shower so I have a more accurate reading.

p.s. Weekends are tough aren't they? So hard to stick to a normal schedule!