So I haven't really budged on the weight front. There have been a lot of excuses made on my part since my birthday. The good thing now is I know they are just excuses and that they don't define me or my ultimate goal.
I do have to say that I feel that I might be spending far too much time on the Baby Center site on the forums. Especially the ones where people are "tweaking" test pictures to try and tell if there really is a line there. I almost feel like I need to stop obsessing in some manner about having a kid. I stopped testing and tracking things but now I feel I've gone to another extreme. It's like I need to just stop everything baby all together and obsess about just eating healthy and losing weight. So because things have been out of wack and stressful, I'm going on vacation sooner then I normally do in the spring. Maybe this will give me time to relax and recenter.
School is going very well. I have made the presidents list 2 qtrs in a row and just found out I aced another class :). I can kick ass at so many things in my life! Go me!