2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Not sure what to write...

I gained 1.2 lbs in sept. So far for this weight loss comp I have gained weight since first weigh in. Depressing to say the least. The last several months have just been so hard. I feel like I need a vacation from it all... and then I realize the holidays are around the corner... well this holiday season I'm not going too give into everything. I will NOT gain another lb in fact I WILL lose some. To loose 33.4 lbs before new years is a very aggressive goal. But I need and have to do it!


Mindy said...

you can do it sammie!!! I know you can. it's the little things every day that get us to where we go. i didn't do to hot this month but just a smidge more effort and i'd be doing great. so i'm going to do it. I DARE you to beat me this month!!! DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU! Wanna side bet? Side wager... a side Challenge? i bet i'll kick your trash so how about it????? HUH!?!?!?!?! LOL let me know
love ya!!!

Moi said...

You can do it. Keep up the work. It feels so good to succeed. You can kick ass this month and take the winning prize. Go girl!!!!