2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Fighting Emotions... and colds... and a NEW HOPE

So as some of you know I lost my grandpa Harold this holiday season. He was 79. It's been a 4-5 year ordeal and I thought I was prepared for it. Alas I had a few bad days there of uncontrolable crying and emotions. I'm not one to get weak and it was really hard for me to allow myself to feel like that. I did however so I could get over this process to move onto better times in 2013.

In the mist of that I landed cold #3 just 2 weeks after the last cold. This one hit hard and fast and has lasted over 5 days. I think I'm through th worst of it now but the hazy air isn't helping my nagging cough. Isn't it funny that when you get sick everyone instantly thinks you are pregnant? ummm peeps I'm not throwing up, I have what half of utah has right now... chill!

Today is a good milestone. Today I go back into my amazing OBGYN to check on my blood pressure and since I've lost 15 more lbs then he expected me to in order to discuss fertility options... think we'll discuss that too! Duane and I have had some talks resently but last nights was wonderful. Day dreaming about our piggy tailed little girl or our overall wearing spikey haired little guy (both blonde blue eyed :))and how amazing it would be to actually concieve this year. I think that hope we both lost has returned in full force and we can see our bright future again. In hopes that maybe all this postive energy manifests into what we want. So stay tuned... I have some hard month ahead with hormone treatments and such, but if it results in a pregnancy it'll be worth it!


Karen said...

Crossing my fingers for you! Hope you get some good news!

jen said...

Everything you have gone and will go through will be worth it when you hold that baby, really hoping this is your year!