2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Monday, July 30, 2012

Keeping Motivated

First off I changed my ticker to have the full years worth of weight loss not just since my start to Jazzercise. Let's break this down. In the last 3 weeks I have lost 15.5 lbs so 5.5 lbs were my loss from Jan-June... wah wah wahhhhhhhh
But as you can see I believe I've finally found the right combination of fuel in and work out= weight loss. This also has helped being on meds for high BP. I've really been focused on not only Calorie and Fat intake... but Protein, Carbs, Sodium and sugars. I try to have 0 "white" sugars in any given day if I can help it. Most of my sugar content come from natural food sources.

My goal of losing 100 lbs this year is not for NOT. I will get close to that # as I am fully determined to do so. I want new cute outfits for the holidays! I want a cute family picture this year to send in my Christmas cards. I don't want this feeling of accomplishment and pride to go away. So I will keep powering on. Finding new ways to make the foods I love and tracking every calorie that hits my lips!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Finding the Key

Well aparently where you least expect it... you find light in the mist of bad news. If you read my last post "The Trifecta" you learned that just 2 weeks ago I was diagnosed with high BP, Prediabetes, and elevated Cholesterol.

Since July 5th I have been using myfitnesspal.com to track every calorie I stick in my mouth. There is such a great community on there I encourage everyone now to join and it's free. I've also really re-evaluated how I cook, eat, and live. In making small changes like wheat wraps instead of bread for sandwhiches, Actually eating breakfast EVERY day not just once in a while, taking my meds for high blood pressure, and adding a few esscential supliments to my diet. I have managed to lose 12 lbs in just 2 weeks. This is amazing!

So I am thinking that maybe for years I should have been pushing for the answers I've been desperatly looking for even if they were bad. Because until I know what the issue is I can't do anything that will change my situation.

I look like I'm melting in my clothes that are now too big but I refuse to go shopping until they fall off my butt with out a belt. I will get to where I want to be and maybe just maybe complete my family in the near future... but #1 is me!

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Trifecta

Well, I've been debating blogging about this. I do feel however getting it out there in writing makes me more accountable for my actions.

As everyone knows I've been trying to have a baby for 3 years now. It's been a long difficult road.. Well I've been working with a new OB and he's run some follow up tests from last year as a follow up. My family has a history of high BP... well I guess it's finally catching up with me because mine has been on the rise for the last 2 years. So I am now on pregnancy safe (In case I do get pregnant ever) BP meds.

The next issue is I am at the prediabetic level. I had a feeling even cutting out soda and reducing candy wouldn't help since last year... I was really hoping it would. So I'm logging my calories on myfitnesspal app and .com. I'm able to add in columns such as sodium and sugars. Problem now is understanding how much sugars I can have in a day because pretty much per this tracker if I have 2 apples I'm over.

The last serious issue is elevated Cholesterol. Since all meds for this is not pregnancy friendly I have to control this via diet.

Good news is I've been doing Jazzercise 3-4 times a week since March and am feeling so much stronger. I have been logging my meals and such for a week and making myself accountable and have lost 6.5 lbs since last week. That means I'm in the 320's again. Per myfitnesspal if I keep up the path I'm on I should be possibly out of the 300's in mid to late fall... can't wait for that day!