2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Addicted to Jazzercise

So the first week I went three nights in a row and slightly pulled my knee. Now I've found that if I put a day or two in between I can rock it. I still feel on the days that I'm not working out the urge to want to go. I'm calling this my new addiction! I feel great after working out. Now I need to get my mind into eating properly for the amount I'm exerting so the weight will fly off. I know how to do this as I've done it before with my friend who is a personal trainer. Just need to make my menu, stick to my list at the store and eat on time.

Right now though I'm focusing on getting my butt to class 3 days a week and eating better. After vacation at the end of this month I will then get on a meal plan 5-6 days out of the week... but right now I'm focusing on working out and my road to vacation!!! because rest is just as important.

I highly recommend the Jazzercise work out. There are all levels and it's very encouraging atmosphere. Love those ladies!!!

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