2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Monday, February 21, 2011

What I'm giving up and This weeks focus

So it's almost Lent (March 9th till Easter) and I said I would let you know what I'm giving up... and I do believe that this might absolutely kill me or I really need to apologize to my husband now for what I will be putting him thru those 40 days.

No White Breads or Sugars

Oh goodness... yes, I said it! Now everyone can hold me to it!!!
This will only keep helping me on my continued fight against my fat suit.

So this weeks focus will be water intake. I really wanted a Starbucks frappacino this morning but instead I kept going to work and am starting my water intake... I'm going to try for 60 oz today, 80 oz tomorrow, 100 oz Wed and so forth until I hit my .5 oz for every lb I weigh. I figure if I stay around 120 oz I should be water logged enough hopefully. The problem with this is I have a lot A LOT of phone calls at work during the day and doing the pee pee dance is not very fun!

Well good luck this week guys... any suggestions on dishes that don't involve white breads or sugars pass them my way!


littlemisspretty said...

go you! You can totally do it!

jen said...

It's not so hard, just keep it simple. Meat and a veggie or two. I have faith you'll do just fine :)

Anonymous said...

I feel ya on the pee dance! LOL Hard to consume that much water when it makes you need to pee every 5 minutes!

Wish I had the strength to give something up for 40 days... hmmm... I could give up sardines... but seriously, you go girl!!! Don't think I could do it!

Anonymous said...

Sis, just saw this on SparkPeople and thought of you! You can do it!!
