2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Holy gads batman... weigh in is only a few more days away!!!

I have not at all been on plan or track or anything this month. This is completely my fault. I gave into every temptation, convenience, and just plain boredom.

I had to replace a central air unit this week which cost a pretty penny... and just trying to stay a float in this economy has been hard. It's been cheaper and easier to grab that dollar menu burger or what not.

ALL EXCUSES!!! and frankly I am tired of hearing them come out of my mouth!

I HAVE the opportunity to change my routine
I HAVE the opportunity to pre-prep meals before my week starts
I HAVE the opportunity to work out before I get tired and sit my bum on the couch
I HAVE the opportunity to stop eating when I'm bored just because it's there
and I HAVE to make a change before this kills me!

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