2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My most common "Excuses" I let rule what I do...

So this week an idea was thrown out to write down your short term and long term goals... and then also go a step further. Write down your EXCUSES!!! The purpose of this is to face your excuses that hinder you from obtaining your goals. So instead of starting off with my goals, here come the excuses:

1. I'm to tired
2. Gym time takes away from me or family time
3. I can have one piece what is the harm, I'll work it off tomorrow
4. Not enough money to eat correctly
5. Not enough time to pre-prep meals
6. Not enough time to cook meals
7. My favorite TV shows that I recorded are calling me to the couch
8. Why do it today when I can work harder tomorrow (repeat the cycle)
9. "I Can't"

Now, I'm pretty positive at least my husband has heard me say most of these if not all of them. I'm also sure there are a dozen more he's heard me say. One thing he said to me yesterday that touched my heart was "Before Dec, when you were going to aqua class all the time and kicking ass I was proud of you".
Proud, that word means so very much to me. Not sure why other then all my life that is the one thing I always wanted to hear and felt I didn't hear it enough. But why do I need someone else to say that to me... why can't I be proud of myself! I think it's because I fall onto my "excuses" to hinder my goals so that I don't feel I can be proud of what I've accomplished.

So in an effort to shut out excuses I've asked my husband to be brutally honest with me when I'm making them. I also am putting it upon myself to really STOP THE INSANITY!

So now that I've gone on and on... Here are some of my goals:

1. Finish work weightloss challenge with 20 lb loss (date: March 12th, 2010)
2. Write a "I'm under 300" blog (Goal Date: April 13th, 2010)
3. Lose 30-50 more lbs (after the I'm under 300) by the end of 2010 (Goal Weight: 270-250 lbs)
4. Lose another 50 by summer 2011 (Goal weight: 200 lbs)
5. Lose another 50 by end of 2011 (Goal weight:150 lbs)
6. Once I get to my ultimate goal weight of 135-140 go on a shopping spree in Vegas with my husband (Goal Date: Spring 2012)
7. Tell myself "I CAN" every day


Our Fam said...

Im in tears right now as I finished reading your post. I want so bad to hear my Hubby say he is proud of me, or he has noticed the 30 pounds Ive lost in the past 6 months. I think the most wonderful thing is the last part when you mention telling your self you can. Thank you for your post, and your dedication to yourself. Thank you for your wonderful words and your motivation for me!

Jack said...

I have always been proud of you. You are one of the hardest working clients I've ever trained. I know you will get where you want to go and I will be cheering for you the entire trip. Love you, Sammie girl!