2014 Goal (100 lb loss)

2014 Goal

Sunday, January 31, 2010

This past week and emotional challenges

So this past week I worked on my water intake and portion control but Friday emotionally lost it. Now I haven't gained anything but I haven't lost anything either.

So Friday I heard from a high school friend that his wife is preggers for the 3 time in 2.5 years. He believes "it's in the water"... So, where is this water?! and how can I drink it fast enough hahahaha. It was amazing how I was in a good mood before then but once I heard I started to get jealous and angry. I didn't hardly talk to a soul at work that day and when I got home I buried myself in the world of Eclipse just so I didn't have to think about babies. I thought that I was over what happened before but I guess I still need a little time to grieve.

So I decided that this week... regardless of how cold it is outside, I'm going to go back to Aqua Class at my gym. I was going Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays until I got pregnant and my doc told me to stop because of my complications. Well now that the miscarriage is over I'm going back. I loved aqua class and I felt like I was doing good.

Good luck this week too all who are working on healthier lives!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Low fat Taco Salad

Hello all,

I see that others are posting their healthy versions of their favorite dishes and here is one that my husband and I just came up with.

Low Fat Taco Salad
(Feeds 4)
1lb Ground Turkey (You can choose your fat ratio depending on your diet)
1 packet Taco Seasoning, Lower sodium version
Grated Fiesta or Taco cheese
Sliced Olives (small can presliced we prefer)
Green Onions
Greener Selection Salad in bag (Your choice we choose darker greens)
Dressing of your choice

You first cook the ground turkey and add seasoning per the packet instructions.
Then while that is simmering you can cut your veggies to preferable sizes.
First place salad on a plate and then layer your other veggies.
Then sprinkle on 1/4 cup of shred cheese. Add on top your seasoned ground turkey.
And then last you drizzle on the dressing of your choice. I prefer low fat zesty Italian and my husband prefers ranch. You can also drizzle on some salsa for more kick if you choose as my husband loves that. You can also take a small handful of Frito's or tortilla chips and crush them on top for a little texture. But only a small handful!

This recipe gets you TONS of yummy veggies and protein. You get very little fat and it's mostly all good fats for you. Try it! You may love it!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

My B-day weekend and water challenge

Wow, What a great Birthday! Started off with a Birthday Brunch at my dad's place. Then Dinner at Chili's with some friends and then went to a movie with them all. It was such a great time and I definitely feel loved!

This is my husband and I at Chili's

Sunday we had a celebration at my husbands family and his mom is so cute they got all pink and black decorations and I got another tiara hahahaha. I'm such a girl sometimes.

Water Challenge:
Last week mid week I started this but stopped over the weekend with all the festivities. I'm going to drink water this week... simple enough right.. RIGHT! I can do this. My goal is to drink between 140-160 oz every day. It'll be easy because instead of focusing on the big # I have small oz goals during the day. If I average 10 oz each hour I'm awake this will be a piece of cake... fat free cake.

I also am going to really pay attention to portions this week and calorie intake.
Another goal this week is to get to the gym at least 3 times and give it my all but not kill myself.

Blog at cha later

Friday, January 22, 2010

Tomorrow... I turn 30

So this morning a week after my weigh in I now weight 323.8. I notice my weight goes up and down from day to day but the past 3 days it's gone down. I have been focusing mainly on my water intake. So that's a 4.4 lb loss!!!

Today I'm also reflecting on many things. Mostly reflecting on what all happened in my 20's. I remember starting off my 20's as a 160-180 lb girl who had all the dreams in the world and all the time in the world to make them happen. I then met a boy and got married... gained 200 lbs while I was married because I was so depressed and knew 6 months into the marriage that things were not right. Then after 3 years of marriage... 5 years with this person we divorced. I then at the young age of 25 found myself again... the Sammie I had lost. She is a vibrant, independent, outgoing gem! I also found my best friend Jack (married to Mindy... love ya Mindy) who helped me with fitness and nutrition and through that relationship we became best friends. At the same time I met my current Husband and then just last year on July 4th, 2009 married the love of my life.

Now that is a lot of happenings in one decade! But in all that I noticed a pattern. Every time I find a man I gain weight. I think we all do. We get comfortable, Don't go out as much, and forget about ourselves. Now in no way is this ever the guys fault and that took most of my 20's to figure that out. The only one who can change me is me. So I went from 160 to 360 down to 250 with Jacks training and now back up to the 330's. In my head I know what I need to do. I've done it and been successful, but I think this time it's because I'm not just doing it for me on my own. My Husband also gained 80 lbs since we've been together and now I am cooking and prepping for two. He's really supportive which is great. I can't wait until the spring so we can go on some hiking adventures and stop being stuck in doors. But I digress from the original purpose of this blog...

I'm turning 30 tomorrow.

Yes, a big milestone. With it comes many hopes and dreams much like I had in my early 20's.

*I want to become healthier (The RIGHT way that will stick the rest of my life)
*I want to become an example for my family that has struggled with weight (Not just my Husband but also my extended family)
*I want to have a successful pregnancy (Preferably in my early 30's)
*I want to be alive not just go through the motions of day to day life

I feel that all of the above is obtainable as long as "I" am willing to work on it. Thank you all for your support! Now lets be gone with my past and be excited about my future!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A little insight to my current happenings... (Sorry, I know TMI)

Not many of you know that in early December I found out I was pregnant. I had a difficult month with sickness and spotting and pains. At my 9 week checkup (Jan. 5th 2010)my doc could not get a heartbeat and sent me for a U/S (Jan. 6th 2010) which turned out to be blank. Completely BLANK! The symptoms that my doc had told me previously for miscarriage were not what I experianced in late dec. I had been spotting all month and had a couple heavy days. The pains she thought I was having she said was due to bloat and constipation because there wasn't any matter passing really that she stated could be the fetus. So regardless I miscarried.

Now miscarriages are no strangers to women on my mom's side of the family. Infact my mom had 5-6 miscarriages that my dad could remember in the 6 years between my birth and my brother. So mentally I was a little prepared to not get too overly excited about my expentant state until I was for sure carrying a baby that may make it full term.

I have been overweight my entire twenties and on the 23rd of Jan I turn 30. I should be super excited about my birthday but just to know that I spent an entire decade overweight is a little depressing. I've tried many things and in the past few months decided I was going to start to question myself when I go to grab food.... Do I need it... is it healthy... and what is making me want this so much! I think that maybe dealing with my inner issues may help stop the cycle. I don't want to be writing a blog when I'm 40 telling people how I spent 2 decades fat! So I really am trying to make better choices.

So two things.... I need to lose some weight so that I feel better about trying again for a baby... I also need to do this so I can focus on a positive and not the negative of what I just went through.

One day at a time right?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Starting Weight for the work weightloss challenge


If I post it then I am accountable. I am close to what I was when I last weighed in for my blog so I am happy about that. I made it through the holidays with only a 1 lb weight gain!

So here I go... next 60 days! Next weight in is on Feb 12th!!!!
Goal: 10 lbs lost

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Weight Loss Challenge at work

Tomorrow is the first weigh in for the weight loss challenge at work. It's going to run from Jan 15th to March 17th (last weigh in on March 12th).

I decided what better modivation then a little friendly competition at work. Here are the things I am going to try and do during my day to keep me moving and modivated:

No more Elevators
Park farther away on good weather days
Pack meals each day (No drive thrus)
Keep track of my water intake and shoot for 60-80 oz a day
Take 10-15 min walks in the parking lot (weather permitting)
Go to the gym after work each night (Friday can be an exception, maybe every other week)

After tomorrow's weigh in I will adjust my ticker to this challenge and a personal goal I am setting of loosing 20 lbs during this challenge. The next weigh in will be on Feb 12th. So we'll see what progress I make with some of these small changes.

Wish me luck!!!